"Don't raise your voice, improve your argument."

~ Whitaker Attorneys

Personal Injury / Civil Litigation

Car Accidents | Wrongful Death | Personal Suit | Defense against suit | Garnishment | Lien 

“What is Civil Litigation?”

When two or more parties become embroiled in a legal dispute seeking money or another form of restitution rather than criminal sanctions, Civil Litigation is the result. What is the role of a Civil Litigation Lawyer?

The role and responsibilities of a civil litigation attorney can be challenging and broad in spectrum. The attorney is the client’s advocate, obligated to fight for him/her to achieve the best possible outcome on the client’s behalf.

The Life Cycle of a Typical Civil Litigation Case

Civil Litigation can be divided into several stages, including investigation, discovery, pretrial proceedings, potential settlement, mediation, trial, or even appeal. Discovery is the longest and most labor-intensive stage of the case. Unlike what you see on television, civil attorneys spend very little time in trial. Much of their time is devoted to the exchange of information, depositions, interrogatories, and subpoenas. Not every lawsuit will go through all the stages. Many are settled before even making into trail. While others that do go all the way can take months or even years to resolve.

Pursuing a Claim for Personal Injury Benefits

When you or a loved one have been injured in an accident, it’s critical that you understand whether you can pursue a claim for benefits. An experience attorney can evaluate your case and give you an educated estimate as to what you can expect from the claims process.

Filing an Injury Claim

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, an accident while at work, or another type of physical or emotional injury, you likely need to file a claim in court. You have a statute of limitations to file any claim of 2 years from the date the accident occurred. You will probably have to work with an insurance adjuster and provide copious requests for documentation to support your claim. A skilled attorney can assess your case and communicate with the insurance adjuster. He can also help you gather all necessary documents like medical bills, pay stubs employment records, etc. He can further asses your case to give you an estimate of what you may be able to expect. However, settlement is not guaranteed. With a statute of limitations at only 2 years, the sooner you discuss your case with a skilled attorney the more options you may have.